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A nun gets into a cab in New York. She demurely says in a small, high, voice, "Could you please take me to Times Square?"

In a thick Brooklyn accent the cabbie initiates conversation, "Hey sista, that' s kinda a long drive? You mind if we, like, chat?"

The nun says, "Why no my son, whatever is on your mind?"

The cabbie, "About dis celibacy thing, are you telling me you never think about doin' it?"

The nun, "Why certainly, my son, the thought has crossed my mind a time or two. I am of weak human flesh you understand."

The cabbie, "Well, woulda ever consider, you know, doin'it?"

The nun, "Well, I suppose under certain conditions, in a very unique circumstan ce, I might consider it."

The cabbie, "Well what would dose conditions happen to be?"

The nun, "Well he'd have to be Catholic, unmarried and well, certainly, he coul d have no children."

The cabbie, "Well, sista, today is your lucky day. I am all three. Why do you se come on up here...I won't even make you really break your vows. All you got ta do is go down on me."

The nun looks around...they are awfully far away from where anyone would recogn ize the next light she gets into the front with the driver. By the ne xt light, the nun is getting back into the rear of the cab, and the cabbie is s miling from ear to ear.

As she settles in, the nun hears the cabbie begin to laugh.

The nun inquires, " Why, my son, what is so humorous?"

The cabbie sneers, "Sista, I got ya, I'm Protestant, I'm married, and I got four kids.

And from the back of the cab comes the nun's low voiced response, "Yeah, well m y name's Dave and I'm on my way to a costume party."
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