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: Subcultures
Subcultures splited by category...
A humor site for dudes
The ultimate site for all dudes and wannabe dudes to experience the dudical world of dudes.
Abervegas Lounge Culture
A portal for popular lounge culture. Bar reviews, restaurant reviews, advice column, essays on the great american past time ~ drinking and the Chairman of the Board, Frank Sinatra.
Links to many funny and interesting sights related to flying.
Average Joe
Very quirky, always fun., by and for bald guys
Ever wonder who wears a rug and yearn to rip them off? Bald comedian Jimmy Wallis helps you do that at
Beauty Trashing
Truth,in the harshest form possible.
Britney Spears Haterzzz
We hate Britney Spears, along with millions of others. This is just basically a board of peepz tellin everyone why they hate her.
Drunken losers
A place where drunk or drunken losers can come to be entertained.
Fat Bastards Unite
Those people who decide to be "fat bastards" and sit on you butt all day and do nothing, come here! You are safe here.
Ima Bimbo. Are you?
Home of Nic-a-tampon and other foolishness. Tori Amos fans will find something off-colour and interesting here.
On the Boulevard
The snappiest gay and lesbian comedy site on the web! Visit On the Boulevard for humor, parodies, video, downloads, rants and more! 100% free and open to all. No adult content on site.
Peckerwood Institute of America
Helping people determine Who and What and if they are a Peckerwood
The Cornbread Kids Website!
This site contains the complete guide to finding out if you're a cornbread in disguise!
The Graceland Cafe - Probably the greatest Cyber-Pub in the world!!
The Graceland cafe - The favourite watering hole of Elvis Presley. Visit out naughty nun, the Poptart Gallery, Graceland pictures, Memphis Pictures and our Male Stripogram...
The House of Bob
An irreverent pseudoreligion, with a unique way of recruiting clergy and altargirls.
The Moron Network
The voice of the people whose opinions never before counted.
The Official Homepage for Fat Geeks
If you are a fat geek, you have come to the right place.
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Most popular humor links
Infamous Drunken Crew Site
The Alternative to Food and Drink UK
Martin Yan: Homicidal Chef
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