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: Advice
Advice splited by category...
more Advice links: 1
46 Rules That Guys Wish Girls Knew
Every woman should read this and learn the truth about her man.
Advice to laugh at, learn from or scoff at.
Agony all gone
Humourous but touching and sensitive irish agony aunt
Anne Slanders, Advice for the brave and masochistic
Try Anne Slanders for advice of a different sort.
Area 808
Contains: useful and wise advice to help you survive these dangerous times. Also an automated horoscope generator as back-up, and "Sponsor an Airhead"...
Ask A Gay Guy
A site for advice about dating, relationships, fashion, decorating, manners and etiquette.
Ask A Ninja
Ask the ninjas about anything, from technology to relationships to dealing crack on the local street corner.
Ask an Arrogant Bastard
If you don't know the answer, he must.
Ask Barry
Talk to Barry the robot. Ask him questions and he can give the answers or just chat about what's on your mind. He's fun to talk to and can learn from you.
Ask Bob
An advice column featuring a highly unqualified and unappealing invisible man.
Ask Dodgy Mike
If you've got a dillemma or a problem, then ask Dodgy Mike: an un-trained, un-qualified idiot who will be of no help whatsoever.
Ask Dr. CyberLove
Answers questions about cyber-relationships.
Ask Dr. Joe
Dr. Sammy Joe, a very educated bird, provides practical advice for all questions. He doesn't just hear, he listens!
Ask Dr. Metropolis
All manner of advice for those who dont need to know -- nutrition and logic-free.
Ask Dr. Skinn
This site is not for those who seek actual advice or knowledge, but it will give you quite a big grin.
Ask Fallafel
Funny advice.
Ask God
Spiritual nuggets for the life-lorn.
Ask Jeez
The Son of God operates this advice-driven search engine.
Ask Mr Bad Advice
You can count on Mr Bad Advice to tell you exactly what you didn't need to know.
Ask Mr Teacher
Answers teachers' questions about education, with humor.
Ask Old Mephistopheles for Advice
If you've got questions, the under lord has advice and answers for you.
Ask Sister Rossetta
Nuns, clergy, and regular sinners like you ask questions of the lavender nun.
Ask Skippy
Dumb computer questions. And even dumber answers.
Ask Taco
Advice from Taco on relationships, sex, or just about anything under the sun.
Ask the Answerman
Haro Online's own Answerman answers your questions.
more Advice links: 1
Amazing Jokes
Animal jokes
Bar jokes
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Sporting jokes
Work jokes
Most popular humor links
Infamous Drunken Crew Site
The Alternative to Food and Drink UK
Martin Yan: Homicidal Chef
See also:
Jokes gallery
Hot free site
Top20 jokes
Amazing jokes
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