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: Education
Education splited by category...
Chomedey High Class of '76 Reunion Web Site
A funny web site. Dedicated to Chomedey High School and high school reunions world-wide! - Online Humor for the Retarded is dedicated to ending literacy in this country.
Jamie's Famous Book of Recipes
When I was in first grade (1976-77), my class took on the daunting task of writing and publishing our own cookbook. Here is the result.
Kno and Go University
We were recently rated the world's fastest educator by The Pan Panamanian Institute of Fast Educators.
Magic Mill- Create a trick college diploma
Choose from a variety of colleges and degrees. Comes with fake transcript and recommendation letter.
Humorous, yet not-so-strangely sad, comments and commentaries from college classrooms. Are you Mediocrates?
Ofsted AGHH!!
A series of humorous digs aimed at OFSTED, the UK school inspection authority.
Royal Prune University
"Earn" a free Ph.D., and learn to save the world by being silly, at this rather strange university. Lots of places to go and things to do here.
The Love Dungeon's College Humor
A sizeable collection of humorous items about college.
The Unofficial History of the World
A humorous look at history as it never happened
Universe Centra la Sahara: Jabal Acacus Campus
You can learn all about Internet Theory, Undergrounded Theory, and more at UCLS. Here too, camels learn to lead and to be team players.
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Infamous Drunken Crew Site
The Alternative to Food and Drink UK
Martin Yan: Homicidal Chef
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