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Here's a humor links directory that has too many categories( see also jokes,audio and video clips,satire, magazines) to count. If you have any good jokes yourself, why not
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: Laws
Laws splited by category...
18 Unnatural Laws
A small humorous collection of additions to Murphy's Law.
Archive of Useless Facts: Bizarre Laws
A large selection of strange and weird laws from around the world that are all real.
Basic Laws Everyone Should Know
Not much flash, just lots of good, general purpose laws.
Dumb Laws
A collection of the most senseless laws in the entire United States.
Kenny's Laws
The meaning of life revealed through observations on biology, philosophy, and the people around him.
Laws Of Work
The Laws of Work from the Barking Spider.
Murphy's laws and corollaries
Includes an abridged collection of interdisciplinary laws.
The Dumb Network
Dumb stuff from laws to warnings to criminals.
Amazing Jokes
Animal jokes
Bar jokes
Blonde jokes
Bumper stickers
Computer jokes
Ethnic jokes
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Most popular humor links
Infamous Drunken Crew Site
The Alternative to Food and Drink UK
Martin Yan: Homicidal Chef
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Amazing jokes
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